Updated: 07/15/2009
New Blog and new information @ http://raymondmarr.com
As I look at http://is.gd/5gwX and note how many people are escaping Microsoft or at least beginning the journey from something so widely held for so very long as the only Operating System because no other was pre installed. I realized that the reason Microsoft has held the market for so long is simply because they took the time to damn near insure that you were using the Microsoft O/s and I realized that so many people were trapped and made to believe that Microsoft O/s was the only way.
Then things started to change, the open source movement began to gain momentum, the alternatives were becoming more and more stable, and the ease of the install was constantly improved. And now just this day http://www.ubuntu.com/ Ubuntu, one of the more popular variations of Linux, released v8.10 and called it Intrepid Ibex that offered a new level of user customize-ability and ease of use.
Not to mention this was all post Vista which in itself just made Microsoft all the more tart and annoying, with the lack of Drivers, the new interface a whole new experience. And then the Circus begin talking about how great Vista was and how everyone should have it. Today though consumers have hopefully become more educated in the alternatives such as Ubuntu and the other variations of what is Linux. A recent commercial for Mac made it pretty funny with the PC caricature hitting the buzzer or bell or whatever it was each time Vista was mentioned, course there was a preconceived bias as it was a Macintosh Commercial but it does hold true don't you think?
The fact that Vista has been more trouble then most end users feel it is worth, more and more just stayed with XP or any of the earlier revisions of Windows. To add insult to injury, and to promote more people buying one of the most annoying Operating Systems, Vista, there was recent news of discontinuing support for XP to sell more Vista. Except for the fact that XP is far more stable, for some reason Vista is still being promoted. So removing support for XP and offering Vista as the only one that support will be offered for was supposed to do what? To speed conversion, I don't think so but that is one opinion. There could be many reasons why the removal of support for a stabler version of the Operating System was removed, any ideas why?
All of this and there is talk of a Windows 7 being beta tested, in hopes of improving on this Vista http://annoyances.org/ annoyance that have become nearly a standard issue. Annoyances dot org has some great insight on Vista Issues, and a recent news article on Annoyances mentions that http://www.microsoft.com/…y-now.aspx Microsoft finally admitted to the fact that Vista has it's problems. And yet more people have started using it or have they. My guess is most have stayed with Xp as it's stability is more difficult to match in comparison to Vista.
The point being the time of Closed Source is gone the future seems to be inline with an open source world, what are your thoughts?
New Blog and new information @ http://raymondmarr.com
As I look at http://is.gd/5gwX and note how many people are escaping Microsoft or at least beginning the journey from something so widely held for so very long as the only Operating System because no other was pre installed. I realized that the reason Microsoft has held the market for so long is simply because they took the time to damn near insure that you were using the Microsoft O/s and I realized that so many people were trapped and made to believe that Microsoft O/s was the only way.
Then things started to change, the open source movement began to gain momentum, the alternatives were becoming more and more stable, and the ease of the install was constantly improved. And now just this day http://www.ubuntu.com/ Ubuntu, one of the more popular variations of Linux, released v8.10 and called it Intrepid Ibex that offered a new level of user customize-ability and ease of use.
Not to mention this was all post Vista which in itself just made Microsoft all the more tart and annoying, with the lack of Drivers, the new interface a whole new experience. And then the Circus begin talking about how great Vista was and how everyone should have it. Today though consumers have hopefully become more educated in the alternatives such as Ubuntu and the other variations of what is Linux. A recent commercial for Mac made it pretty funny with the PC caricature hitting the buzzer or bell or whatever it was each time Vista was mentioned, course there was a preconceived bias as it was a Macintosh Commercial but it does hold true don't you think?
The fact that Vista has been more trouble then most end users feel it is worth, more and more just stayed with XP or any of the earlier revisions of Windows. To add insult to injury, and to promote more people buying one of the most annoying Operating Systems, Vista, there was recent news of discontinuing support for XP to sell more Vista. Except for the fact that XP is far more stable, for some reason Vista is still being promoted. So removing support for XP and offering Vista as the only one that support will be offered for was supposed to do what? To speed conversion, I don't think so but that is one opinion. There could be many reasons why the removal of support for a stabler version of the Operating System was removed, any ideas why?
All of this and there is talk of a Windows 7 being beta tested, in hopes of improving on this Vista http://annoyances.org/ annoyance that have become nearly a standard issue. Annoyances dot org has some great insight on Vista Issues, and a recent news article on Annoyances mentions that http://www.microsoft.com/…y-now.aspx Microsoft finally admitted to the fact that Vista has it's problems. And yet more people have started using it or have they. My guess is most have stayed with Xp as it's stability is more difficult to match in comparison to Vista.
The point being the time of Closed Source is gone the future seems to be inline with an open source world, what are your thoughts?
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